Democrat, Republican, Green, whatever. I'm going to include Independent even though it's not technically a party, because I feel like it.
I'm an Independent.
Geno wrote:I don't wanna have a kid with Zabe tbh.
SliK wrote:Republicans are the worst type of people lol
Jesus Christ wrote:Fuck all South Pacific island and island-continents.
Almostlity wrote:Grow up faggots
EminemInsider wrote:Jesus Christ, HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!
Jesus Christ wrote:Fuck all South Pacific island and island-continents.
Cosh wrote:lol...Republican. I would have loved a Paul/Gingrich ticket. Or even a ticket with Christie on it. The only reason I support Romney is because he's a proven business man, and that's a fact whether you like it or not. That's what we need to help us out of the recession. That...and the fact that Obama has been completely incompetent.
classthe_king wrote:I've been a republican my whole life but I'll be voting for Obama in the next election because of how much the republican party has turned me off to them. It's disgusting. I still wouldn't consider myself either though. In a perfect world I would want a blend of both parties but that will never happen.
Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that
I love you Daren
Emadyville wrote:classthe_king wrote:I've been a republican my whole life but I'll be voting for Obama in the next election because of how much the republican party has turned me off to them. It's disgusting. I still wouldn't consider myself either though. In a perfect world I would want a blend of both parties but that will never happen.
this ^ except I'm a democrat, won't be voting cause they both suck (i voted obama 4 years ago) and politics is so fucked up its ridiculous.
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