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redirect help

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redirect help

Postby dave » Aug 24th, '06, 22:06

i really need to know how much bandwidth per visit a html redirect page like this would use:
Code: Select all
<!-- Send users to the new location. -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"
The Forum is now hosted on a new server please wait.<p>If you aren't forwarded
to the forum,
<a href="">
click here</a>. </p>

sounds like a dumb question and it probably is :p
also if there is another one that wont show a page before redirecting the page and how much bandwidth that would use per visit

basically i want a redirecting thing that takes a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY small bandwidth per visit :p

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Postby 848lu » Aug 24th, '06, 22:33

i think its about 12kb no more then 15.... :whistle:
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Postby dave » Aug 25th, '06, 15:23

umm ok does anyone know about 302 redirect pages how do i go about it. how much bandwidth (how big(i think :P) would a 302 take up
and seem to find things about 302 temp redirects and 301 redirects what the difference and what should i use and most importantly, how

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Postby dave » Aug 27th, '06, 23:00

no one? :'(

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