Eminemeatinm&m wrote:Seems like TRSHADY is up in PS3's side, awesome tbh.
Dem Exclusives homeboy, recommend you all of them, they are much better looking than the exclusives I had in my 360, GT5 (and GT6 probably) has hyper realistic lightning and the physics are great, Uncharted and Tlou, Graphics Kings in consoles and great games, GoW 3 and Ascenscion Fucking nuts dose graphics be. Heavy Rain and Beyond, damn the list is so fucking big.
To "better looking exclusives than 360"...that is VERY fucking debatable. Have you forgotten the legendary Xbox 360 exclusives or do I have to remind you?
Unless you mean by graphics, judging by your comment that is what you're referring to...and if you judge games based off of how they look and not based on story or gameplay then I'm sorry but you do lose gamer cred that way. I'm not accusing you of doing so yet, but you are treading on thin ice. Even if this is the case, the 360 and PS3 aren't THAT far apart in the graphics area. I have owned both, I know. It's not really noticeable unless you pick apart every goddamn pixel.
Anyone who says ______ is better than ______ because of graphics needs to learn to better evaluate games. Nice graphics are great and all but it shouldn't be the factor that makes you choose one thing over another. That's all I'm saying.