I have not drawn in years - but I'll be getting back into it to blend my illustration with my verses (on my site) to make multimedia pieces.
These images are from .. well way back when - like 1992 and yeah I do web graphics - just been awhile. I did freehand, but I was diagnoised with carpal tunnel back in 1981 and nerve damage, worse in the left hand. They recommended I went to digital - which back then, was only animated gifs (they were still pretty new).
So here is my question for you - Living in past glory is easy... but drawing again after probably well over 20+ years is going to be ... difficult at best. These multimedia pieces, is what I want to be my lifes work. What I do from here to... well - what time I have left.
But putting the digital pencil to the drawing pad and just beginning is terrifying. What if I can't do it - what if I've lost my touch? I think finding out - is what I worry about. Knowing that I've lost it.
My daughter is an amazing illustrator. And for me, I need to be who I was back when - her inspiration to draw, not ... what ever comes from my pen now... You know?
I put copies to part of the sketches, but I do have work in progress for most of these.
The Illustrations/Art: I was learning how to mimic digital by opening up art books on oil, watercolor etc and using those same instructions to guide me. After all, the talent is there and digital is only a mere tool we use to put our creativeness to a digital piece of paper. PS: my married name was Waldron, I am now Jones.
Barry Sketch: http://www.allmytears.com/art/barry-sketch.jpg
Barry Finished: http://www.allmytears.com/art/barry.jpg
Butterfly Sketch: http://www.allmytears.com/art/butterfly-sketch.jpg
Buttefly Finished: http://www.allmytears.com/art/butterfly.jpg
Carousel Sketch: http://www.allmytears.com/art/carousel-sketch.jpg
Carousel Finished: http://www.allmytears.com/art/carousel.jpg
Colt Sketch: http://www.allmytears.com/art/colt.jpg
Fish Sketch (done in Microsoft Paint): http://www.allmytears.com/art/fish.gif
Hand (my ex and my daughters): http://www.allmytears.com/art/hand.jpg
These were mostly sketched in SmartSketch (Futurewave) a product that now is part of Flash. The art was done in Corel Photopaint 5 (maybe 4) and I had Windows 3.11.
Thank you btw - I have a reason to draw, and use all of my skill - but the fear of failure, of not being as I used to be - keeps holding me back. So, input requested