Paul Chowdhry - YouTube him, if you haven't heard of him. Underground UK comic, absolutely hilarious, his "freestyle" routines (audience involvement etc) are insanely funny
Frankie Boyle - Controversial and offensive. What's great is, within the sick jokes is amazing social/political commentary. The guy is so so clever. He got lots of stick for using "paki" and "n*gger" in a routine - the problem is people didn't seem to look at it in context - he was taking the piss out of how racist and hypocritical the media are. ... paki_joke/ ... gger_joke/So clever. Makes such a good point, unfortunately most people thought he was using the words just for the sake of it. Fuckin idiots.
Rich Hall - Dry and hilarious. Incredible comic timing.
Sean Lock - Completely random, absolutely hilarious.
Lee Evans - Observationalist comedian, guy can make the most random of thing funny. Probably the comedian I laugh out loud at most.