Well as it is the ranking, correct me if I'm wrong, are as following:
1-99 - In Training
100 - 499 - In The Force
500 - 1999 - Soldier
2000 - 2999 - Captain
3000 - 3999 - Lietenient
4000 - 4999 - General
5000 - ---- - Supreme
I think they should change because there is such a long gap in between soldier. Its a thousand to increase all but two of the rankings and it takes so long to get to captain.
Here's what I think it should be changed to
1-99 - In Training
100 - 999 - In The Force
1000 - 1999 - Soldier
2000 - 2999 - Captain
3000 - 3999 - Lietenient
4000 - 4999 - General
5000 - ---- - Supreme
Just a little change...please don't make me pick my switch out...I don't want swats :crying: