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Get MP3's off RapRadar

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Get MP3's off RapRadar

Postby TommiTMX » Jan 5th, '10, 12:04

So bored today in work I decided to go through RapRadar and found a couple of songs I wanted. Getting them via AudioCapture just seemed awkward and I wanted to know if there was a way to pick out the file.

-So first things first (assuming the use of FireFox) find the page with a song you want on it.

-After you've found the page look at the song and it usually has the poster writing something about it, as such copy a section of that text.

-Right Click on the Web Page and click View Source. This will show you a nice window with the HTML for RapRadar.

-Now search for the text that you copied earlier and it will take you to the right point on the page.

-Now underneath that text you should find something along the lines of:
<p><span style='text-align:left;display:block;'><p><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='' width='290' height='24' id='audioplayer1'><param name='movie' value='' /><param name='FlashVars' value='&amp;bg=0xffffff&amp;leftbg=0xffcc00&amp;lefticon=0x000000&amp;rightbg=0x333333&amp;rightbghover=0x999999&amp;righticon=0xffffff&amp;righticonhover=0xffffff&amp;text=0x333333&amp;slider=0x666666&amp;track=0xFFFFFF&amp;border=0x222222&amp;loader=0xffcc00&amp;' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='menu' value='false' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' /></object></p></span></p>

Now then, in there is a load of crap that sets up the Flash Music player, and then right towards the end if the information we're looking for. (emboldened above)

Cool, now that we know where the file is stored we just need to download it :)

Copy the text after "soundFile=". This is the file path, all you need to do now is change it so it looks like a normal hyperlink :).

%3A = :
%2F = /

So the above example is:
Code: Select all

And after changing it it looks like this:
Code: Select all

Paste the path into Firefox and you'll probably be taken to a page that plays the file through QuickTime, if so just click "File" and "Save Page As" and thats it.

Looks a bit long winded but after the first time takes minutes to download a song to save downloading off YouTube and other places with terrible quality :)
Socrates wrote:True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.

Mars wrote:Ay Yo I'm tired of hip hop being about the same lame things, We are what we make it, and I ain't here for friends, Half of yall yell gangsta! Most of yall pretend... ,Sex sells, aids spread, money talks, people shot, Decade and a half and we still ain't, learned from Tupac!
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Re: Get MP3's off RapRadar

Postby stolt-011 » Jan 5th, '10, 12:39

Or you can just intall Download helper for firefox ;)
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Re: Get MP3's off RapRadar

Postby TommiTMX » Jan 5th, '10, 12:47

stolt-011 wrote:Or you can just intall Download helper for firefox ;)

You could do, but whats the fun in that :happy:

This kept me entertained on a quiet day at work! Don't take my fun from me :P
Socrates wrote:True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.

Mars wrote:Ay Yo I'm tired of hip hop being about the same lame things, We are what we make it, and I ain't here for friends, Half of yall yell gangsta! Most of yall pretend... ,Sex sells, aids spread, money talks, people shot, Decade and a half and we still ain't, learned from Tupac!
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