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Through grades 9 and 10 ive spent time with him
Before my grandmother died in the trailer we lived in
A mother to you and myself I can't tell the difference
My own mother wasn't assistin
Rather have the heroin sizzlin
It's a mystery why everyone is so sick of me
But not mitchy he sorta believed in me
Sorta bitchy but I understood how he was seeing things
Wanted me to succeed even bought me a laptop
Before I even smoked weed I thank u for that but
It got stolen by a heroin junkie and it sucked
And he was married to my grandmother for money n drugs
A thousand dollars for that Acer I couldn't trace it
Didn't have it for a year so the money was wasted
But mitchy you should give me another chance
Why's the mouse sticky can you pickup your pants
Oh yea I should say he was a porn freak
Tissues and moans even in the morning
While he sits on his throne and think he's king
But didn't even pay rent where he was staying
But I guess pros outweighed the cons
At least he knew where to go and how to move on
In life.. and wanted the same for me
He knew my upbringing it sucks to be a leech
He was grown with experience and bald as can be
I just need a job where I barely gotta speak
I had the smarts ..I just need it part time
It never happened now my future is a semen napkin
I wish it was still back then and the drugs never happened
Pills turn to crack and a buncha madness no college classes
He even offered that and it's still on the table
I will take the chance once I've gotten more stable