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5th Dimension

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5th Dimension

Postby survce » Nov 13th, '13, 01:57

I was sent with intentions straight out the 5th dimension
to complete a dangerous mission what my quest is get my message
straight across the state of Texas. Guess what's next is on my checklist.
Take out all those who are reckless. Now don't think I will regret this.
Like go buy a diamond necklace or a bad ass bitchin Lexus.
I got the best and took the test unless a game of just confess
a Will got wrote don't play that mess. Don't sign no paper not witnessed.
No Bueno want no bad business. No room left for no con-artist.
My dad I know he would be pissed so mad he'd start clinching his fists.
Stop and take another bump you know you need to pump and hump.
Drinking to much mi chelada make me stop and take a dump.
Dad would thump me on my head. Now listen son is what he said.
I know you don't know what your doing. And my heart you won't be losing.
I rode this life that you are cruizng. Drugs and drinking only losing.
Late for work cause you were snoozing.

LOF: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=166424&p=2466281#p2466281
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby Just Silver » Nov 13th, '13, 02:00

Need to feed a piece first
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby Kangol » Nov 13th, '13, 21:51

nice ryhmes, however the "witnessed" part feels like you sacrificed sense for a ryhme tho :(
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby survce » Nov 13th, '13, 22:30

Yea I noticed that after I posted.
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby sneakerheadshady » Nov 14th, '13, 01:52

next time you should feed a piece, ill still feed this because your relatively new.
this is pretty good, but some of the rhymes either dont fit or seemed forced. i think your trying to use multis too much, instead start with a sstron g foundation of basic rhymes and add more complex things once the base is strong enough. it is a good start, just needs some work :y:
keep trying, dont give up
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby CanadaPure » Nov 14th, '13, 02:48

PM me (or another mod) a LoF and I will re-open this.
That was me in BK on Atlantic. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) BasedSig
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby CanadaPure » Dec 21st, '13, 19:45

That was me in BK on Atlantic. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) BasedSig
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby IBasicallyRage » Dec 23rd, '13, 03:38

I feel as though most rhymes don't fit, keep it up tho.
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby » Dec 27th, '13, 22:14

I took this as a song about having a good time in Texas and mind expansion..
I'm from South London from Westminster to the back streets of Thornton Heath.
Off Brigstock Road.

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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby survce » Dec 30th, '13, 11:56

It really has no meaning. I just wrote it down as it came out. lol
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Re: 5th Dimension; my way...

Postby Sobecaspur » Jan 1st, '14, 12:28

The intentions shaped the dangerous ways, ,
straight isn't on your list, demented in effect.
completed missions aren't applicable,
stateline rhymes tryed kansas city crime,
reckless or not think before it cost's.
testing to be a besty is only human game,
Death is no will just sign here dont feel.
witness the bad business at hand,
con-artist the dad, thumped my head.
echoeing words repeated checklist,
doubting my life accusing my heart.
losing my ride like its just cruising by.
D and D there I go again...
the only way of ones own REVENGE.
sobe from kc,
justly hyped forum is Right .
My memories of to be or not to be .
RAH started out and ended in our names, time only tells beauty standing still .
Hard to reach on my own private world alone, one Cinderella shoe that needed to fall.
Fathers the orange he bounced us around often, might as well been thrown out of the window like your mom was talking.
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby survce » Jan 1st, '14, 12:37

No worries bro. I mean I like the fact you were inspired by what I wrote. To write your own verse. Awesome
:y: :y: :y:
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby Sobecaspur » Jan 1st, '14, 12:51

I am a girl, goofy...
sobe from kc,
justly hyped forum is Right .
My memories of to be or not to be .
RAH started out and ended in our names, time only tells beauty standing still .
Hard to reach on my own private world alone, one Cinderella shoe that needed to fall.
Fathers the orange he bounced us around often, might as well been thrown out of the window like your mom was talking.
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby survce » Jan 1st, '14, 13:02

Oh. I'm sorry. I really am.
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Re: 5th Dimension

Postby Sobecaspur » Jan 1st, '14, 13:04

its cool, for real...
sobe from kc,
justly hyped forum is Right .
My memories of to be or not to be .
RAH started out and ended in our names, time only tells beauty standing still .
Hard to reach on my own private world alone, one Cinderella shoe that needed to fall.
Fathers the orange he bounced us around often, might as well been thrown out of the window like your mom was talking.
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