Had to post from my cell so the format got fuced up idk how the barcount will look on comp. But yeah w.e u wanna do shady
I dont know why i had to take a break and come back off hiatus
Jus to have to face this fake an wack ignoramus
I mean for Pete's sake what the crap were you sayin
When you faced an elite great you sounded like a fag and a racist
Like how you gonna possess someone? U the master of a slave ship?
Matter of fact that don't even make sense
If you laid that verse on track I'd take that track and shuv it in the crack of your anus
They won't even have to debate this
When I apply force. He'll crinkle. Like a bag of potato chips
No when I drop mines he'll prolly gasp and erase his shit
No. I should whip my ass for creating this
Ño . I shuda saved these punches for somebody who actually could make a fist.
Fact is he still gets a L. No matter how I say the shit
Shady would be mad that I have to put his name in this.
I mean if you had a somewhat decent tag or an alias
Those voters might actually have gave a shit.
But instead you went wit the same ole easy ass shady shit.
Like a lazy bitch!
The judges shudnt have a say in this.
You shuda backed out when I hit u right back and started arranging shit
But instead your assed out and slowly getting bumped to the back of the ranking list.
I wish ur dad wuda spanked his kids
Maybe then you wudnt be dumb enuff to stand up jus to be harassed for a laugh
and some feedback on the raps that you strain to spit
There is no path for escapin this
If hes a schiesty ghost I'm the blast from ghostbuster packs
When the lasers twist