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More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

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More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby J.R. » Feb 4th, '13, 22:59

Super bowl winning QB, Joe Flacco, may have fired more than a few passes at the game sunday. He may have also fired a few F-bombs, and some people aren't happy.

The Parents Television Council, which fights indecent speech on the airwaves, asked the commission to investigate CBS for its failure to bleep out the offensive word.
“No one should be surprised that a jubilant quarterback might use profane language while celebrating a career-defining win, but that is precisely the reason why CBS should have taken precautions,” PTC President Tim Winter said in a statement. “Joe Flacco’s use of the F-word, while understandable, does not absolve CBS of its legal obligation to prevent profane language from being broadcast — especially during something as uniquely pervasive as the Super Bowl.” ... html?hp=l7
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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby PAINKILLƎR » Feb 4th, '13, 23:05

Not enough swearing if you ask me.
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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby Amaranthine » Feb 5th, '13, 01:33

"Profane language" is the most ridiculous thing to be concerned about. There are so many more important things to worry about.
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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby Kill You » Feb 5th, '13, 03:29

Amaranthine wrote:"Profane language" is the most ridiculous thing to be concerned about. There are so many more important things to worry about.

Word. We have 7 year olds cussing nowadays, I think it's time for people to get over profane language.
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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby 12characters » Feb 5th, '13, 03:32

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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby J.R. » Feb 5th, '13, 05:25

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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby Emadyville » Feb 7th, '13, 08:00

Amaranthine wrote:"Profane language" is the most ridiculous thing to be concerned about. There are so many more important things to worry about.


like kids wont hear it somewhere or havent yet. its fucking bogus.
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Re: More than Yellow Flags thrown at SuperBowl 47.

Postby cheeseburger » Feb 7th, '13, 09:24

Making a word seem not okay is to put power behind it.
Why do young kids only use swearwords and say shit piss and so on? Because adults constantly tell them not to.
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