by TranSlucEnt » Aug 26th, '14, 05:14
So tired of hearing about this. People taking Browns side, and people taking Officer Wilsons side. We can't trust either side atm. FPD's released info is somewhat shady and obviously they are hiding a lot of crucial info. At the same time, accounts and eye witness testimonies from Browns side keep contradicting each other. The dude that was with him that day too flat out lied And exaggerated his account too so now he's looking like a liar. But more and more evidence that is coming to light is suggesting Officer Wilson was in the right. Even the medical examiner (who did an autotopsy on JFK and MLK) said that the bullets in brown indicated he bum rushed Wilson. Smfh at the people saying that 'he shot an UNARMED teen, what a monster!'. NEWSFLASH! You dont have to be armed to pose an extreme threat. Apparently that doesn't get through to a lot of people. Smh at the people saying he was a gentle giant. The dude was a straight up bully and effectively used his size and stature to intimidate. It's just that too many people are in extreme denial and being brainwashed by Sharpton and Jackson Jr. to see that. They really aren't fucking helping the situation either. Just using it to fuel their agenda. And I read today that Michael Brown is 'the face of the new civil rights movement'. LOL. Are you kidding me? Jesus. Then again, everything is not concrete and released yet. So we will have to see. I don't even trust what I read I'm just going off what I read and see.
"Soon as my flow starts, I
compose art like the
ghost of Mozart"
"All that fire in your eyes shows pain, but the
flame ain't
blue enough"