eminem stated:
"as we move toward a. new world order a normal life is boring"
obama is crashin america economy so hat we have to go to a one world currency
then it goes one religion
one army
its in the bible to
rappers are subliminaly reachin out for help
jimi hendrix was killed cuz he was going to speak out against the illuminati
do you know when they did the autposy they cutopen his lungs and stomach
and red wine came pouring out?!
they drowned him in red wine.
same thing with michael jackson. why u think his tour was called this is it?
did u ever hear his last song?????????
its called they dont really care about us
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNJL6nfu__Q&ob=av2nin eminem and lil waynes new song lil waynes corus goes "my bars are full of broken bottles and my night stand are full of open bibles"