by Words » Jun 20th, '12, 06:04
The thing with marching around telling everyone you're straight is that it would have no impact. If you started a "Straight-pride parade" the general response would be: "Okay, cool story bro.... What do you want, a cookie?" Plus, being a hetero-sexual person means that you have rights above and beyond that of a homo-sexual person (at least in America.) These parades serve a dual-purpose, not only as a way to show pride, but also to show protest against the powers that keep these rights from them. There is absolutely no reason why gay marriage shouldn't be legalized, except for the fact that it makes some people feel uneasy because THEY don't like it. Don't worry my fellow heterosexual Americans, if we allow gay marriage I promise no one will make you marry someone of the same sex. It will not effect your freedoms in any way, but it will give additional freedom to a group of people in our country who currently lack it. After all, isn't that what America is supposed to be all about? "Land of the Free" and all that bullshit? All I'm saying is that you have no right waving the Stars and Stripes until you are comfertable with your neighbor being able to wave the rainbow flag right next door.
Speaking strictly about the parades: There's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed, because like I said it serves as a form of protest. The write to assembly? Free Speech? Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it? Check the First Ammendment of the United States Constitution and you will not find where it says "All Americans are given these inalienable rights except for the gays, queers, and lesbos." To deny them the right to organize and participate in these parades is a direct violation of their rights guaranteed by the First Ammendment. Even if you think that they are pointless and do not agree with their cause, if you value Free Speech for every American in this country, the parades and marches are perfectly fine.
Last edited by
Words on Jun 20th, '12, 14:35, edited 1 time in total.
Blu wrote:I think Words is my new favorite member.. haha Thanks man!