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Gay Marches Poll

Fellow ladies and fella Master-Debaters, discuss serious topics.

Are you for or against Gay Marches

Total votes : 36

Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby dead prez » Jun 26th, '12, 18:00

the real slim shady wrote:
Dead Prez, i know im trying to teach a 3 year old rocket science by saying anything to you, but seriously, stop grouping 'views on gays' and 'views on gay marches'.
I am against the Jihad suicide bombers that keep killing people, doesnt mean i don't like Muslims. You're just generalising something that is supposed to be very specific.
Also, dont bother to break this down and reply, just say something then leave it there, its not like either of us will listen to each other is it?

These two aren't mutually exclusive you moron, they don't exist in a vacuum. You can't make a topic that's extremely contentious and is a subcategory of a broader issue and expect them not to somehow clash, also all my posts talking about the gay marches reveal how they relate back to people's views on gay people. And really shows your true colors that you happen to take so much offense to them, also stop fucking backpeddling, you keep saying, "Butt I got no problemz with gayz just the intrusive in your face gayz," outside of gay parades they aren't fucking like that you moron. I mean sure there are some exceptions but outside of it they are totally normal, and your alternatives for gays to use as an outlet instead of parades were extremely laughable and stupid. So if you were somehow talking about a really really miniscule minority of gays who happen to molest you in public or do something that annoys you, than maybe you should think for a second, "Gee maybe this isn't exclusive to gays and is just me singling out a minute minority and trying to speak for a whole group of people, for no goddamn reasons."

In essence

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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby the real slim shady » Jun 26th, '12, 18:10

ok, you keep saying how they cant use the internet or whatever instead of parades. Yes we get it, you have brought up the same point so many times now, think of something new.
I havent said anything about molesting or anything, you made that shit up and once again, you cant seem to drop it. I didnt say it so once again, think of something new.
Im not saying gay people are intrusive and in your face, im saying the marches are. hat has nothing to do with gay people in general, just the marches they do, so this is one of those things where you shouldnt be generalising because once again, you misunderstood what i was saying. So, having said that too many times too, try thinking of something new instead of repeating the same shit in every post you do.
The thing you started your post with, i can't disagree with. The two are related and obviously will be brought into the same arguement, but you're missing the point of me saying not to do to; you keep bringing it up for the wrong reasons. I wasnt saying anything about gay people being intrusive, yet you keep thinking i am.
So, as i know you are going to have another go at me, try somenew points and dont repeat the stuff that you have used in the last few posts, i have just quite clearly explained why you were wrong on them, just leave them there and move on.

Also, stop posting videos at the end of your posts. I have a shitty connection so im not going to actually watch them, so if you are posting a video just for it's name or for one line in it, just write that line down the same way anyone else would.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby dead prez » Jun 26th, '12, 18:19

the real slim shady wrote:ok, you keep saying how they cant use the internet or whatever instead of parades.

Yeah I refuted that they should use it, cause you were the one that suggested they use that as an outlet instead so of course I'm gonna carpetbomb that flimsy shithouse argument
Yes we get it, you brought up the same point so many times now, think of something new.

A broken record argument yields a broken record response.
I havent said anything about molesting or anything, you made that shit up and once again, you cant seem to drop it. I didnt say it so once again, think of something new.

Nope but you keep going on about how they're intrusive and in your face, which is not as bad as them molesting you, which somehow the former really irks for some reason.
Im not saying gay people are intrusive and in your face, im saying the marches are.

That's the point where do you want them to do it in the middle of nowhere where nowhere can fucking see it????
hat has nothing to do with gay people in general, just the marches they do, so this is one of those things where you shouldnt be generalising because once again,

I'm not doing any generalizing at all you haven't elucidated your thesis (or lack of) really well, not my fault.
you misunderstood what i was saying. So, having said that too many times too, try thinking of something new instead of repeating the same shit in every post you do.

You idiot you keep doding every single argument thrown at you and can't even keep a track a of a single train argument, why are you still arguing anyway when your points about why they should be allowed have been refuted? You're just arguing from emotion now.
The thing you started your post with, i can't disagree with. The two are related and obviously will be brought into the same arguement, but you're missing the point of me saying not to do to; you keep bringing it up for the wrong reasons. I wasnt saying anything about gay people being intrusive, yet you keep thinking i am.

Praytell than how gay marches invade your personal space than.
So, as i know you are going to have another go at me, try somenew points and dont repeat the stuff that you have used in the last few posts, i have just quite clearly explained why you were wrong on them, just leave them there and move on.

I'll keep bringing them up so long as you don't concede and continue to hang to whatever inch is left of your carpetbombed argument.
Also, stop posting videos at the end of your posts. I have a shitty connection so im not going to actually watch them, so if you are posting a video just for it's name or for one line in it, just write that line down the same way anyone else would.

You must have a really shitty connection if you can't watch a 50 second video.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby the real slim shady » Jun 26th, '12, 18:31

okay then... seeing as you didnt actually say anything worth replying to i wouldnt post now, but the last bit, i have to wait for the video to buffer while it plays. So unless i open the page then pause it for 2 minutes, i cant watch it, and i dont want to watch it anyway so why would i?

I will leave the arguement there, but not for the point of conceding. Its more... you dont actually say anything worth talking about, you just use the same points. Then if i repond to them, you complain that i dont respond to you, instead of responding to me. Its literally like talking to a brick wall, and i have better things to do with my life than that.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby dead prez » Jun 26th, '12, 18:33

We'll let everyone else decide on who actually brought substantial points to the table than, you're really a huge baby you know that a mildly offensive post insulting but still brings points to the table forces you to completely abandon the argument and instead go for a hissy fit.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby limea » Jun 26th, '12, 18:44

Woah, this is getting good. Vote "for", of course.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby LK5 » Jun 28th, '12, 15:20

and homophobes won't become tolerant but i think generations are getting more & more tolerant
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Innovation » Jun 29th, '12, 23:56

What's with the ignorance?
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby dead prez » Jul 7th, '12, 20:34

Revolutionary wrote:Voted "against" and i'm against gays in every way possible.
Would like to kill one if I had the chance.

Go ahead, call me dipshit, clueless, ignorant or whatever the fuck you want. It's you getting angry, not me, why the hell would I care?

Holy shit are you fucking kidding me man?
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Dentist » Jul 8th, '12, 09:36

I have no problem with gay people but I don't think they should be marching. Like the other guy said, (don't remember who) it just discriminates more.
I'm not actually a Dentist, for the record.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Guess_Who » Jul 8th, '12, 13:27

Revolutionary wrote:Voted "against" and i'm against gays in every way possible.
Would like to kill one if I had the chance.

Go ahead, call me dipshit, clueless, ignorant or whatever the fuck you want. It's you getting angry, not me, why the hell would I care?

Well It's you who sound angry actually... I'm not mad, just shocked. I hope not many people think like you.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby JustEnjoytheMusic » Jul 8th, '12, 14:51

Guess_Who wrote:
Revolutionary wrote:Voted "against" and i'm against gays in every way possible.
Would like to kill one if I had the chance.

Go ahead, call me dipshit, clueless, ignorant or whatever the fuck you want. It's you getting angry, not me, why the hell would I care?

Well It's you who sound angry actually... I'm not mad, just shocked. I hope not many people think like you.

This :y: .

But then I remembered a comment you wrote on the topic "Eminem subliminally gay":

Revolutionary wrote:I really don't care about this shit, but imma give a real response.
Em doesn't give a shit what you think of him, he has admitted his love for many people in public and his songs (What's The Difference for example).

Also, we all remember that Em has accepted to go on a date with a girl in the crowd from the Home&Home concerts.

However, he does not like guys.
Believe me. He would have adopted a boy if he liked living with guys. (Call it sick, but yeah i went there).

:unsure: What happened, man?
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Emadyville » Aug 6th, '12, 04:09

Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that

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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Eedee » Aug 31st, '12, 05:31

@Revolutionary - You scare me with your ignorance, bigotry and idiotic worldview.

bigray wrote:Against! You don't see straight people marching cuz there straight!

You really are fucking clueless.

You don't see straight people marching is because they're the majority. They're not being discriminated against in a modern society.

Gays march for their RIGHTS, which religious fanatics like you deprive them of because your fucking stupid holy books says to. Even though you completely ignore that your god made them that way in the first place... LOL.

Fucking religion, messing everything up and hurting other people.

I'm FOR gay marches by the way. If that's what it takes for them to get equal rights.
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Re: Gay Marches Poll

Postby Eedee » Aug 31st, '12, 05:39

^ Hardly a cop-out. Bigray is a religious fanatic, if you haven't gleaned from other threads... his mindset is driven by religion. No sane, rational person would be against gay rights (unless of course they just think it's fucking gross, which still doesn't mean they have the right to deprive gays of their rights) unless some perverted doctrine is clouding their judgement; AKA religion...

Menzo, I know you're religious and I know you hate when people use it as a "scapegoat" per se, but in this case, it has EVERY right to be used as the main cause. It's NOT a cop-out.
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