CrashBand wrote:classthe_king wrote:How do we not have free will? We can do anything we want all the time. Of course because of the way our society is set up you SHOULD get a job and eduction to make money but that doesn't mean you HAVE to. And you have the free will to go about that anyway possible.
No we can't. We aren't free to do anything possible. We are confined to the laws of physics.
We can take different paths and choices but they are all subject to the laws of physics and the state of the universe. If we cannot change the laws of physics or the state of the universe then we are not truly free to do anything possible, are we champ?
That is literally one of the dumbest things I've read. I can't jump to Mars therefore I don't have free will durr durr. Are you serious? Freewill is about being able to make your own decisions. I couldn't run 100 mph no matter how much I wanted to but I still have the freewill to try and do it.