TripleNineThree wrote:2. Was Mary a virgin? Well, if one has the presupposition that God exists, then how would it be hard to believe that Mary could be a virgin? Now, if you come into it believing there is no God, then obviously you won't believe this statement. Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies from the Old Testament down to the smallest details, INCLUDING virgin birth.
That's a ridiculous presupposition that no one should take blindly. He fulfilled over 300 prophecies? Bullshit. He fulfilled a bunch of vague statements that you could bend to make anyone fill. Plus it's not hard to make someone fulfill prophecies when you're making the story up and you know what prophecies he needs to fulfill.
Also, there were many prophecies in the bible that were not fulfilled.
3. For those saying Jesus never existed. That is the most historically ignorant and foolish statement I read throughout this entire debate section. Don't think you're smart simply because you're an atheist. That is a really stupid statement.
No it's not. It's the only reasonable historically accurate stance you can take. I'm not saying he definitely didn't exist but we don't know if he did or not. None of the historical documents were written while Jesus was alive. Most of them were written much later, by almost two generations. In fact, none of the prominent Jewish scholars alive in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus said a word about Jesus. I find that weird that one can come back from the dead and no one even bats and eye.
4. Conclusion, yes Mary was a virgin but if your presupposition is that there is no God, obviously you won't believe that.
Because it's ridiculous and impossible
I don't like debating religion but there was far too much people saying stuff without doing any research about it.
That's ironic.
EDIT One more interesting fact. Scientists for years believed that the universe didn't have a beginning, that it always just was. The term "Big Bang" was actually coined by a man making fun of those who held to the "religious" belief that the universe had a beginning as described in Genesis (In the beginning...). Evidence then pointed that galaxies were expanding from a central point, therefore pointing to the fact that the universe had a beginning. The vast majority of scientists rejected this on philosophical grounds. Now it's treated as a fact.
No that's wrong. Scientists still believe that the universe never had a beginning. Most scientists believe the big bang was just a way of the universe to collapse on itself and then expand again in a cyclical pattern.