NextEpisode wrote:You're not very well informed about natural selection and biology in general, are you? Three words I suggest you try to puzzle together are: (i) natural selection, (ii) incentives and (iii) probability.
In the system under which this world functions today, money isn't "a fairy tale". Goods and services (including resources) are bought and sold with money. Thus the allocation of money is important.
You talk a lot about resources, what kind of resources are you so worried about? And what would be the effect on these resources if we were not to help the truly handicapped and the elders? (of course, we are not really "helping" the elders, they've paid taxes all their lives most of em')
I know what natural selection is, what I'm saying is of course naturally nature will take its course, and eliminate the defects. But we're pro longing that with the advancement of technology, and wasting resources while doing it.
Money has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. It is a fake children's game that we're all playing, because somebody made the rules, and nobody is questioning it. Can you honestly tell me that a piece of paper/plastic/cotton is really worth as much as an apple? Considering you can consume the apple, what can you do with a piece of paper that has the specific rules that apply to it? Well you can purchase anything you want, which is stupid, because realistically it is what it is- Square paper. It is keeping us controlled, it is extremely unnatural, and evil. It makes people do horrible things, war, robberies, theft, the list goes on.
Specific example? Helium. The world is almost completely depleted of helium-yes this is the fact. I'm sure there are people wasting balloons on 'get well soon' balloons, flowers, etc, for old people. I'm not talking specifically about helium, although it is a problem, I'm talking about every single resource. Jewelry, livestock, everything being wasted on flash bags they contribute nothing to society anymore.