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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby Minimii » Nov 21st, '13, 19:00

how stupid must one be to think that it's about some specific religion??
if islam and christianity changed places, middle-east wouldnt suddenly become a paradise and europe wouldnt suddenly fall into chaos. It's about how much one lets stupid shit like religion affect their life and decisions.
All middle-eastern religions (jewism, muslism and christianism) are as fucked up.

The way i see it is that anything anybody ever does only shows me what im capable of, therefore if i see a man killing a child in cold blood i can only say that in the same circumstances i would probably do the same thing.

bigray wrote:
You came to my Country (yes my COUNTRY) for a blahblah

you have no right to any country any more than anyone else.
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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby ParasailingSaraPalin » Nov 21st, '13, 22:44

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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby SpiderDiaze » Nov 21st, '13, 23:05

StayWideAwake wrote:
ParasailingSaraPalin wrote:lol why did i receive this?


That was to bigray. Fuck if I know haha. He got it and responded to me so it's not even like it only went to the wrong person. That's funny though

:laughing: I was thinking then wtf.
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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby Minimii » Nov 24th, '13, 01:28

bigray wrote:why would you bring up an argument or make one up that i never said lol go ahead come to my Country if you fuck up we'll ship you right back where you came from. and no its not your country when you enter Canada you're not a Canadian citizen automatically lol it takes time, after that go ahead call it your country.

"my Country (yes my COUNTRY)"
thats why

StayWideAwake wrote:

and yes. It is particular to each religion. So much of the turmoil in the region is due to very specific religious disagreements. No, it might not just become "paradise", but to imply swapping out entire religions in the region wouldn't have a profound impact on the conflicts is just ignorance.

We just discussed the specific difference in tone and message in both religious texts and how different they are. If you think they're just the same thing you should probably read them. There is absolutely no denying that for better or worse, there are glaring differences. So if the books are undeniably different, and devoutly religious people will follow said books just about down to each word, then yes, how those devoutly religious people would feel and act toward certain events and peoples is specific to their doctrine

Christianity is based on jewism, islam is based on christianity. They are very similar religions. They have differences but when answering the question why middle-east is such a shithole, while most christian nations arent, it's utterly irrelevant.
Even with different religions for instance christianity and buddhism you cant say that one of those religions affects the area more than the other, or is worse or better than the other. All the religions are basically the same, tools to control and manipulate the masses, and people everywhere are the same therefore they use religions for the same purposes. Only thing that matters in all of this is how much certain area and the people living there let the religion affect their lives.

Just go back 1000 years, it was complete opposite - islamic areas were ahead in everything while europe was a place no one had ever heard of.
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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby SpiderDiaze » Nov 24th, '13, 01:33

What the fuck is Jewism? Don't you mean Judaism? And that post is bullshit.
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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby Minimii » Nov 24th, '13, 02:04

Diazepam150mg wrote:What the fuck is Jewism? Don't you mean Judaism? And that post is bullshit.

Dont feel bad. We have all gone through puberty at some point.
I can also start writing shorter sentences so you will be able to read them too.
Unless it's the whole subject matter you find confusing then i cant help sorry.
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Re: Nationalism/patriotism

Postby Trimss » Nov 24th, '13, 03:28

"Jewism" :laughing:
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