slimshdy313 wrote:Israeli can get blown to pieces and i wouldn't lose one minute of sleep over it. no offense to people from Israeli i have no problem with Jewish people but Israeli as a country is bad for the world.
...and you are the reason we have a problem in the first place. Just leave please, don't make me go Ari Gold on you
Maybe wrote:Firstly, Obama is an idiot and clearly lacks foreign policy knowledge. Secondly, I've been saying that Israel should adjust their borders for years, but to say that it's land that they shouldn't occupy is absurd. Israel has been the rightful owner of that land for thousands of years, but only decided to take it by force to establish a proper country. Think of how large the Arab lands are, and how little space Israelis actually occupy.
That's the issue, Maybe. As long as you took it by force there will be people who are trying to take it back from you by force. Mentioning "rightful" ownership of land to me is not a good reason to take land cause after all, can we ever say we actually "own" land. Other people occupied land before us, animals occupied land before humans. Its about sharing the land, not owning it. Especially in this time of day where we have such a humongous population and population growth.
Think of how large the Arab lands are, and how little space Israelis actually occupy. can't really say because there is a lot of Arab countries around that you do not let the Palestinians have theirs. After all Palestinians are as far different from the near Muslim states as the Jews are from those same Muslims.
Should they be building settlements now? No, they're arrogant and it's disgusting. It's enough the stigma is negative, there's no need to fuel the fire, but they shouldn't bow down. The United States won land in wars in the past; wars that were uncalled for and unnecessary. Hell, a lot of the US soil is unoccupied, but yet, nobody but the Indian Americans acknowledge the comparison. Israel fought and won the war fair and square, to give back their reward is ridiculous.
You shouldn't compare what the U.S. did to the Israel. We all know that U.S. is wrong for what it do to Native Americans, everyone knows it is wrong for all the land its taken. You cannot find me one person that can say that U.S. was justifiable in what it did. That is part of the reason the most of the World does not agree with the U.S.
Like I said, they should adjust their borders, but we all know that unless every Israeli is dead the Palestinians/Muslim extremists won't be happy, and that's the problem.
It works both ways man, Israeli extremists won't be satisfied till Palestinians are dead, or completely get out of there. And that is the problem, but you can't count extremists. There will always be extremists. Hell, I just heard of some dude getting fired because he sympathized with Hitler. That's some stupid shit and there will always be people like that. It's about finding those people, the majority, who all just want peace. The stigma, like you said, the stigma of hatred will die off eventually. The majority are "made" to hate each other because of the war. There's even people who see Israelis and Palestinians as the same people and are simply having a civil war. You gotta understand, you cannot ever mention extremist if you are trying for peace.
Israel can't be fair because it's a small Country surrounded by enemies.
Israel has the ally of the U.S. I do not think it should fear the surrounding countries. You know the U.S. will be right there to help and I don't really understand how changing the borders and creating a two state deal would impact the dangers of Israel, at least, not any more than which it already has.
I think comments like the guy above (which I banned for extreme unnecessary racism) is the reason the whole world hates Muslims. Israel won't back down because of people like him, the idiots that speak for their entire base religion, even though Muslims clearly aren't retarded bigots.
I'm glad you banned him for racism man, that was well deserved. if he is Muslim, saying that all Muslims are hated because of it, is in itself real racist. I'm not saying you are, but the people that believe that are.
It's unfortunate that two people that are exactly the same racially can't coexist.
that's what I'm saying! so alike in so many ways but for some reason hate each other.