Revolutionary wrote:EDIT : Execution is performed after the judge says so, it's not performed by a normal person.
Otherwise, it'd be considered murder too.
Revolutionary wrote:GenePeer wrote:Revolutionary wrote:EDIT : Execution is performed after the judge says so, it's not performed by a normal person.
Otherwise, it'd be considered murder too.
So the judge has a license to kill?
A judge anywhere in any country in any religion has the right to make the sentence (with the help of the jury of course).
I can't believe the level of stupidity you have.
Revolutionary wrote:GenePeer wrote:The fuck? I don't believe in capital punishment in any country in any religion., period! So now since lots of countries do it, it's right? What kind of logic is that??!! And you call me stupid
So first, you ask a question.
Then talk about something completely different!
Revolutionary wrote:GenePeer wrote:Revolutionary wrote:So first, you ask a question.
Then talk about something completely different!
The fact that you can't see the direct relation between capitol punishment and a judge having a license to kill is disturbing.
You're spamming the page man!
A judge is a judge (and i am OBVIOUSLY talking about judges who have the license, not beginners or some shit).
Why is there a judge if he doesn't have the right to make a call?
So judges are sitting on their ass waiting for someone to call the sentence? LOL!
Atone The Underdog wrote:Capital punishment has in the past been practiced in virtually every society, although currently only 58 nations actively practice it, with 95 countries having abolished it (the remainder having not used it for 10 years or allowing it only in exceptional circumstances such as wartime).
Revolutionary wrote:GenePeer wrote:Atone The Underdog wrote:Capital punishment has in the past been practiced in virtually every society, although currently only 58 nations actively practice it, with 95 countries having abolished it (the remainder having not used it for 10 years or allowing it only in exceptional circumstances such as wartime).
I thought you read the OP. This was a study done by Amnesty International which can be found here: ... -countries
I read it, and 58 is a big number.
Don't forget that the article was made years ago.
And don't forget that people do practice it in these countries that abolished it.
Do you think all the 300mill+ people in america don't have capital punishment?
Revolutionary wrote:My point was, governments might not practice it nor approve of it but people in certain villages, towns or regions do practice it as it's a part of their religion.
classthe_king wrote:I'm all for CapitAl punishment. I actually think we should use it more. You kill someone? Dead. You rape someone? Dead. You rob someone? Dead. Why give someone a life sentence or those 50 year sentences? All they do is take up time, money and space. Just kill those motherfuckers.
Cosh wrote:classthe_king wrote:I'm all for CapitAl punishment. I actually think we should use it more. You kill someone? Dead. You rape someone? Dead. You rob someone? Dead. Why give someone a life sentence or those 50 year sentences? All they do is take up time, money and space. Just kill those motherfuckers.
big lol. but yeah I agree with the rest
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