Alright folks, after hearing Spyders verse at me it seems my intentions on here are a bit confused. i figured i'd clear a few things up
Jaba, i do not hate you bro, YES, you did irritate me a lil bit and i did snap at you in a PM, but, honestly me and you started in the same boat, both of us need ALOT of work with our music shit, and although you've hit alot of nerves in a few members i can't speak for them, but it would be cool if we got this music shit figured out together, and not create a bunch of enemies in the process.
Just Silver, although at times you can be a little faggot, i respect your writing abilities, i just wish you would stop acting so fucking weird sometimes dude, the womens clothes, all the times you mention drugs and alcohol, the time in FB Chat when u talked about boinkin my bum hole...bro, chill, i would respect you a bit if you just stopped acting so fucking weird sometimes, it's annoying as shit, if you chill out, i will chill alot with the callin you a faggot and shit, just, be normal for a bit man.
Spyder, all i can say is i got high ammounts of respect for you
True Wiz....ur a fagtarded sumbitch....kidding, your alright, i enjoyed being married to you for a short time on Twitter for a bit brother.
DetroitSkillz, ur a facebook friend, obviously i got no issues with you
Melanie....god damn females, nah, kidding, wasn't expecting us to have that short convo in the pm's, that was cool, didn't think you and i would ever have a normal convo, not used to people bein friendly.
E.G, your cool as hell, thats all i gotta say
BasedShady, sometimes i get you and Hopsinshadie mixed up, your the cool one tho
Eedee, i respect the hell out of you man, thank you for the help you've given me
DerdyPK, you bum ass lookin mother fucker, hit the gym, lmao, playin, you cool tho
IBasicallyRage...dude i miss killin you like 40 times a game session in GTA, lmao,
i think i pretty much get along with the mods, Menzo, Sajn...i mean, Fajita, Canada Pure, i got no issues with any of you guys,
99% of the time on this site i'm only fuckin around, hope nobody ever gets butthurt by the things i say, i mean i did flip out on Silver a few nights ago but, that was cuz i was already pissed off due to a situation with my whore mother, and Silver has a way of being a dumbass at the wrong times, hopefull we can get that cleared up tho,
This is not a shout out thread tho, that will be coming in a few weeks when i hit 5000 posts, and that will be bigger than this