The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:


For threads of little importance, general chit chat and forum games. Be aware posts do not count in this section.


Postby yung rom » Nov 30th, '14, 21:36

Late to the goodbye posts, but better late than never I guess haha.

Anyway, would like to thank the many TR friends I've made over the ages. Not gonna do a shoutout because I'll know I'll forget some of you and feel bad. Sorry about that btw, I only went into all of your goodbye threads to look for my shoutout :shifty:

I came here a few years ago just looking for a way to get news on one of my favorite artists and managed to find this, which, instead of being just a news site, was a legitimate community, with countless friendly, cool, weird, and hilarious posters. I posted a lot of music on here when I was very inexperienced (at least... less than I am now) and didn't get completely shot down. I was lucky enough to get a lot of advice and have been able to develop both technically and artistically as a result.

I was never really that significant enough a poster, but I was still able to see a lot of classic threads, and I'm happy I was able to be here for a good two years before it shut down. Thank you all!

Charlotte wrote:Talk about cringe please, check your own posts in ANY thread.
Charlotte wrote:yung rom living up to his sig
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yung rom
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Re: Out

Postby yung rom » Nov 30th, '14, 22:06

yung rom takin one last L for old time's sake :flutter:
Charlotte wrote:Talk about cringe please, check your own posts in ANY thread.
Charlotte wrote:yung rom living up to his sig
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yung rom
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Re: Out

Postby EllenPage-Mathers » Nov 30th, '14, 22:07

Goodbye :b:

Ellen Page > Everybody.
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