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Eminem songs that have made u cry

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Postby han4emz » Jul 22nd, '05, 02:09

Rock Bottom is so sad. That made me really upset the first time I heard it. And also If I had. :-({|=
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Postby Martins87 » Jul 25th, '05, 21:18

sing for the moment
hailies song
spend some time
rock bottom
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Postby TRshady » Jul 25th, '05, 21:23

I'm not one to cry at songs but this is a hard hitting line from the man:

" I remember back one year when daddy had no money
Mommy wrapped the Christamas presents up and stuck em under the tree
and said some of em were from me cause daddy couldn
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Postby benz » Jul 25th, '05, 22:46

Yeah I never cried too on his songs, but sure alot of his songs are very touchy. I can really feel his fibe in his songs.
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Postby Eternal_Em_Fan » Jul 28th, '05, 10:17

just mockingbird made me cry especially 2nd verse and Kim when he says "i hate you ihate you... omg i love you" its so sad to hear him cry
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Postby rydo25 » Jul 28th, '05, 16:07

no songs made me cry, but im just not that type of person to cry during a song i guess...but i guess the most "sad" part of i song that i can remember will have to be from mockingbird's 2nd verse:

"its funny...i remember back when you and daddy had no money, mommy wrapped the christmas presents up and stuck them under the tree, cause daddy couldnt buy'em, ill never forget that christmas i sat up the whole night cryin, cause daddy felt like a bum, you see daddy had a job, but his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom, and at the time every house that we lived in kept gettin broken into and robbed and shot up on the block"
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Postby xtratime » Jul 30th, '05, 19:11

None of his songs have actually made me cry either, but in some of his songs (SFTM, Mockingbird, Rock Bottom, Good Die Young, etc..) I get a chill up my spin, like the songs speaking to me.
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Postby EmFan4Life » Aug 7th, '05, 07:11

good die young (third verse)
like toy soldiers
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Postby iskrinia » Aug 7th, '05, 18:50

That was the song "KIM" when I heard it for the first time.
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Postby laudy » Aug 10th, '05, 12:21

How come -Alotta shits happened between me and friends recently

Cleanin out my closet - I've learned over the past couple of years that my mums a liar and my lifes never been what i thought it was. Yea so I found out about everything thats gone on and the shit hit the fan

Mockingbird -I'm a girl, things like that make me emotional lol
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Postby SkylZ » Aug 11th, '05, 21:10

I never cried because of Em's songs either, but some of them really strike a cord with me
Sing for the moment, Mockingbird, Hailie's song, Never 2 far were already mentioned
I can add Searchin' - the first verse
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Postby Emycaro » Aug 12th, '05, 04:00

HailiE's song makEs mE cry..whEn i quarrEl ovEr with my dad.....
thEn i listEn dat song...i think...Em rEally luvs hEr daughtEr...why my fathEr don't tEll mE dat!! only for this momEnt...cuz..aftEr..fight---wE're friEnds again....
sorry 4 ma English.....

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Postby Shadyluva » Aug 12th, '05, 21:59

Well only a few songs make me cry and they are:
1. Mockingbird :(
2. Hailie's Song :(
3. Stan :(
4. Cleanin' Out My Closet :(

Most of his songs talk to me, and that is what makes me love him so much!!!!!
lifee is GREAT
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