sbolli1 wrote:well for nostalgia sake, very few people will ever admit that something new Em does rivals his old stuff.
Not saying Bad Guy is better, but the way we and really the culture in general have "Stan" permanently embedded in our minds will make it impossible for our mind to change its.....well, mind.
I think that in their contexts, they're both pretty much undeniably brilliant. You gotta give the man credit too. All these years and people are saying he should do a sequel to "Stan"/asking him if he ever will, and not only does he pull it off, but he manages to do it in a surprising way and easily makes it one of the best songs on the album.
Making the sequel to arguably your greatest song as an artist and putting it on the sequel to your greatest album. WHEW EM's got some fuckin balls man.
ShadyOnFire wrote:SliK wrote:Bad Guy was a failed attempt at recreating its greatness.
failed? lol!
kkaniff wrote:"in "Bad Guy", Em initially is describing
things happening as Matthew as
apposed to organic thought setting
the scenes as in "Stan" and "Kim"...
this is a much more pedestrian style
which is what most rappers do...
Because of that, it can never be more
amazing than "Stan".
I disagree.
You aren't giving Em/Bad Guy enough credit, Matthew's description up until "chloroform rag" serves to provide dimension to the character.
Almost enough to build a realistic character profile, of course there are other narrative styles that would have done the job more elegantly but not on a 6 minute track.
Stan Mitchell, rather contrary to what everybody raves about was bland. He only serves to potray a descent into psychosis.
Matthew has personality, he is overly dramatic (as evidenced by the first verse; "left me so burnt", "drive off in the sunset") he has a sense of theatre "waiting for this moment all of my life" and "9 hours and 45 minutes now" and "I sneak vengefully" "I peaked"
And is every bit as obsessed and in love as Stan.
From "chloroform rag" it just balloons into sheer psychopathic genius.
EminemBase wrote:"Stan", by far. No question.
Easily a more compelling work of art - in "Bad Guy", Em initially is describing things happening as Matthew as apposed to organic thought setting the scenes as in "Stan" and "Kim"... this is a much more pedestrian style which is what most rappers do...
Because of that, it can never be more amazing than "Stan". "Stan" always feels live, whether you listen to it now or 50 years from now, because it's the thoughts of the characters organically happening in communication and then live action...
It'd almost be like if Em rapped as "Stan" like... "I wrote the letter, in detail, I posted it - you never got back" as apposed to just naturally saying "I wrote you but you still ain't calling?". One is like a detached description, the other is a character communicating...
So it can never 'feel' more alive due to that.
The part where Matthew is yelling at Em and from then on is genius though. And it could have easily rivaled "Stan" if it were all in that kind of live action style.
That style is more compelling because it makes it seem as if the recording is incidental... the characters are just communicating as they would and it feels as if you're listening in on it... which is what makes it feel alive. In comparison, Matthew acknowledging the listener / that this is a song by saying things like 'I sneak vengefully' removes that effect, so now we know the character knows they are a character in a song. As apposed to them just 'living' their thoughts and actions.
achiles22 wrote:EminemBase wrote:"Stan", by far. No question.
Easily a more compelling work of art - in "Bad Guy", Em initially is describing things happening as Matthew as apposed to organic thought setting the scenes as in "Stan" and "Kim"... this is a much more pedestrian style which is what most rappers do...
Because of that, it can never be more amazing than "Stan". "Stan" always feels live, whether you listen to it now or 50 years from now, because it's the thoughts of the characters organically happening in communication and then live action...
It'd almost be like if Em rapped as "Stan" like... "I wrote the letter, in detail, I posted it - you never got back" as apposed to just naturally saying "I wrote you but you still ain't calling?". One is like a detached description, the other is a character communicating...
So it can never 'feel' more alive due to that.
The part where Matthew is yelling at Em and from then on is genius though. And it could have easily rivaled "Stan" if it were all in that kind of live action style.
That style is more compelling because it makes it seem as if the recording is incidental... the characters are just communicating as they would and it feels as if you're listening in on it... which is what makes it feel alive. In comparison, Matthew acknowledging the listener / that this is a song by saying things like 'I sneak vengefully' removes that effect, so now we know the character knows they are a character in a song. As apposed to them just 'living' their thoughts and actions.
I see the description of details that are happening prior to the kidnapping as thoughts that are in matthew's head as he plans his when u think of something and go i'm gonna do this and i do not see it as matthew realising that he is a character but more as an insight in matthew's plan...could not have worked as a live action as opposed to stan here we have to be able to know what happened to matthew in the missing 13 considering it's background i see no other way in which em could explain to us matthew's state of mind and what drove him to take action...i find it better detailed than stan plus some of the rhymes are incredible and so effortlessly done that it just makes it incredible...
Ubb wrote:Must we compare everything? Can't we just sit the fuck down and enjoy Em's music? Just once?
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