I'm with the above and not cause I wanna ride Eminem's cock... You posted a video in general news earlier of some interview too right?
Minutes of my life I'll never get back, it was embarrassing and uncomfortable to watch
You're constantly seeking approval
You've had a million views on one of your videos and people are saying you've saved their lives, why are you coming here after further attention and approval?
If you're passionate about poetry "rapping" or your message whilst helping others, why do you keep having to keep name dropping and talking/associating to Em?
Everyone's over it
Let it go
Why you also thought Marshal was your route to 'making it' I don't know
You could just work your ass off and make it with some self respect and passion
But if the passion was genuine you wouldn't want the fame
You'd be doing it for the love
Happy that you cured yourself and curing others
You're nothing but a stan in denial, I just expected more from a man over emotional females who are walking wide ons over em
He wrote shit like 'the way I am' because of weirdos like you
Just think about it... You stole kim's phone! Haha! That shit cray!
Then you say you don't want to sniff his pants, but if he lobbed his dick out you'd gladly suck it. It's pure cringe
I think its great you're helping others but why is that still not enough for you?
Makes me question what you're actually saying because you're then doing another
I like the game's music, but he name dropped like a mother fucker on 'Dreams' and didn't need to
Just get on with your shit and what you want to do
And please spare me that hate reply, post shit publicly and expect to roll with the punches, not everyone is going to like you
I'm a realist, not everyone likes me either
That's life