by TheBoss123 » Sep 16th, '14, 14:01
Aone10 wrote:StayWideAwake wrote:Trex got me thinking. Aone, I think you said this a while ago that Hip Hop is one of the only (if not the only) genre where the fans shit on the legends because they like another one. Not talking about Eminem at all, there's also this weird vibe where it's not okay to give huge praise to music. Let's say for example I want to say American Gangster is a 10/10 album. I love it. It kicks ass. Someone is going to insist that I can't praise the album that way. Do classic rock fans get pissed at each other for giving an album too much praise? I've been wondering this.
Again, I'm not talking about the new vs old Em shit. Just hip hop albums in general.
I think that happens more so with hip-hop because it's general audience is probably the most immature out of any genre. I can't stand the average hip-hop fan.
I dont think that this is the reason. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that rap has rather specific criteria for what makes an artist a dope rapper. I think theres a much larger emphasis on lyrics than there is in any other genre of music. Not to say lyrics arent important in other genres, that obviously isnt true, but its especially important for rap music. Essentially unless the rapper is also producing the beat, their words, the way they say them etc. is up for a lot more scrutiny simply because theres a lot more critique available for them.
Words are the basis for what makes a rapper good or not. They can sound nice on a record, but if they dont have lyrics they're pretty much worthless as far as rappers go, because the words are what the rappers directly effect. Theres something that feels more concrete and objective to me about critiquing lyrics as opposed to a specific guitar rhythm or a drum pattern or something like that. I think this is because sounds dont have any real meaning( though this could totally be up for debate) beyond what the listener intrinsically takes from it. Words have concrete definitions, making it feel more objective at least to me.
I also think that because its still music, if we dislike a flow or a beat it can totally eclipse a rational analysis of lyrical content. I think rap lyrics are held under a microscope that other genres of music arent held under. This to me makes it easier to say a song sucks when theres no objective premises for thinking so. You can dislike something and still appreciate it, but I feel this is harder for people when they're listening to rap.
I just woke up, 4 hours of sleep so hopefully I dont sound completely ridiculous lol.
" Life can change your directions, even when you ain't planned it
All you can do it handle it, worst thing you can do is panic
Use it to your advantage, avoid insanity manage
To conquer, every obstacle, make impossible possible
Even when winning illogical, losing is still far from optional.." -T.I.