Hunneh_Buns wrote:But since I don't have a major, I don't know what to take in my second year. I used university as a clean slate. I actually read the textbooks ahead of time, reviewed everyday, and didn't wait until the last minute to do assignments. I finished my English assignment before the due date, I felt super confident about it, and I had people read it over. But I got a D on it, which sucked so bad. In HS, English was one of my weaker subjects, where I would barely get an A. I just did not expect it! I'm a super shy person, I just don't socialize. I'm not good with talking to new people.
What are you taking? And do you know what you want to do when you grow up?
And thanks!
I had that exact problem. I was honestly clueless until last July. Honestly, if you have an inkling of the general idea where you want to go, like if you know you want sciences or business, take general subjects related to that. I know I wanted sciences so that's what I did. Some professors are just complete dicks. My math professor and the professors of a politics and business class I had to take as a general ed. requirement was like that. I had an opinion essay which I worked really hard on, reviewed several times, had my father review, had my sister review and still got a C so you'll get professors like that. But if you're working as hard you're saying, then you just have some fucked up professors, which sucks.
And I'm the exact same, I'm a pretty introverted person when with people I don't know and have a hard time befriending/talking to new people. So hopefully it'll get better, I really empathize because I was in the
exact same boat last year.
And I'm majoring in Biochemistry. Hard subject but I find it really interesting. I'm not sure what career I want yet, but the good thing with Biochem is I have a lot of options. I can do pharmaceutical, researcher, doctor, etc.
And no problem.