The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
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Em Research 2

Random talk about Eminem.
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Em Research 2

Postby duby88 » Nov 30th, '14, 00:09

Hey I'm doing a research paper on Eminem and his fandom for a college paper.
What would you say Eminem fans are known for? Like do you call yourself anything? Or what makes someone be a true fan? Any very opinionated thoughts you'd like to share about the fans on the this site or fans in general or even to Em himself? Do you feel Eminem has changed and sold out? Whats your favorite album and why? Any religion relation with God and Eminem?

How do you feel about this site? How do you consider the users on the site? Too much complaining? Do you find yourself part of the community?

Would appreciate anything!!

Thank you
Hope to hear back!
Closet Cleaner
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Re: Em Research 2

Postby csw621 » Nov 30th, '14, 00:53

Re this site, it's a very nice place but there's way too many people here who don't know shit about music and couldn't tell what cadence was if it beating them over the head. But other than that it's great
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