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A little obsessive...

This sub-forum is for videos and footage, content regarding award shows and media, as well as the charting of albums, singles, etc.

A little obsessive...

Postby sneakerheadshady » Oct 6th, '13, 14:51 ... bY4T4ZpM25

this video though :/ I found this on youtube, still cant decide whether it was interesting or really creepily obsessive
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Re: A little obsessive...

Postby SoldierShady » Oct 6th, '13, 15:21

Pf. Hardly obssessive. I think the concept is cool and I wish they still did it on MTV.
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Re: A little obsessive...

Postby sneakerheadshady » Oct 7th, '13, 02:34

yah like the show is cool, and meeting em would be sweet, im saying the girl was obsessive hahah
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