RiseFromTheAshez wrote:sampling is pretty good too, just always make sure to get the right chops, usually 1 beat long, and then just play around with them until you get something that sounds dope
Thanks for the feed bro. I got a problem now. I'm sampling this Rob Thomas song. I'm sampling the beat. I'm able to because the first like 25 seconds there's nothing but instrumentation so I'm able to loop it, but do you guys that make beats on here ever have the problem where you're looping the beat and the end of the loop is cut off weird? Like for example, when I loop it, from when the loop is getting ready to end and when it starts back up again, it sounds weird, it sounds obviously tampered with. I'm using Slicex to highlight the part of the song I'm sampling and this is the problem I'm at. I know how to loop it on Slicex but it's after that. I'm sure I'll have more problems after I figure out this problem but I was wondering if anybody had that problem when they were starting out as FL producers. Thanks 4 all the help you guys.