by mdemaz » Jun 27th, '12, 17:53
Yeah, things are sweet now, I learned how to layer my drums so they are hard-hitting, but not ear piercing...
Dry is sorta what I was aiming for, though, because the vocals I'm gonna lay are low in volume...
Ax, I was wondering if you wanted any beats or know someone that would want some?
I think it's about time I started getting my name out man, ever since last month, I've gotten really good at production...
I got a vault you can look at, they are free of course...
And thanks for that Name!
Also, to embed the thing:
You copy that part of the widget code they give you on SC under the option flash.
You go to share, edit your widget and then click flash and copy the part of the widget code that is simalar to what I just showed you before and paste it in between these 2 bad boys: