ok well, i did a tut witch learned me the basics then i created this, tash helped me with his opinion n stuff so props to him for that
anywae, i was basically goin for the basic drum pattern to make that good, then i decided to add the guitar, so i did that and saved this, then i went back to work on it some more, i then changed the channel in a different pattern and fucked up and removed the guitar channel from all the patterns meaning i could'nt edit it or make it better, i then couldnt find the notes i had on what you are listening to now, hence i fucked up trying to edit this, witch is why im posting it
feed is highly appreciated as i suck at beats if everyone heard my stuff in the past ya'll will remember how i murdered ear drums like jason x
oh and lastly, i created thi son headphones so expect the volume not to be perfect (sorry)