by J.R. » Dec 20th, '13, 22:54
Sorry for my absence. Menzo can vouch for me on the following, my internet in the past has been very spotty.. I've left before like this, and now I finally got a new modem, so I'll be around.
As for this: OP updated. Let me address some underlying concerns I've seen:
1.) I chose this idea because of the fact it was unique, and would showcase every style of the past/present.
2.) If you posted, you were assigned a role I think you wouldn't mind. If you ABSOLUTELY can't stand your role, ask someone to trade you via PM. If they say yes, PM me. Otherwise, suck it up buttercup.
3.) I checked all the accounts of those that posted in here. You all are still active, so no worries there. I'm okay with setting a December 24th deadline (cause christmas) but we can set it after. The debate is open.