So, Y'all Remember this, Right?
1. Group Cypher, Man by The Desperadoes & Catastrophic & Sinister Syndicate - viewtopic.php?f=24&t=158850
2. Country Rap by J.R. ~ viewtopic.php?f=24&t=158505&p=2180287#p2180287
3. What Rap Means to Me Ft. J.R., Catastrophic, Just Silver - viewtopic.php?f=24&t=161180
4. Crazy About You by Mr. DGAF ft. Eedee [AUDIO] -
5. Once in a While by Eedee ~ viewtopic.php?f=24&t=161802
6. Imaginary Place by Just Silver
7. The Fuckin' Cypher Ft. The Desperadoes, Catastrophic, Just Silver & Stephen Garvey & ? (Open to anyone who wants to join on the entire forum.)
8. TR Freestyle- by Wreck - viewtopic.php?f=71&t=161434
9. Wanted For: Feed - By JR ~ viewtopic.php?f=24&t=162219
-You sign up, You're on track 5 and 10.
- If you're on TBA, PM me a name for the track once you or you and your buddies decide it.
- All these need to be filled.
-For Track 10, The guest verses do NOT have to be on the EP. They're people who send a verse to me, when we're working on that track. Which will be the last track we do. This'll be in order, unless someone is slow as shit.
- Like last time, Everyone who signs up should feed everyone else. To make this easier, tag your post [TRSHADY TAPE2] TRACK NAME. Got it? Keep it simple stupid. K.I.S.S
-Have fun. Happy to do this shit.
-[AUDIO], If you're fucking retarded, means it'll be recorded.