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What is your favourite part of recording?

What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby Solace » Apr 22nd, '12, 00:40

Simple enough question. What is your favourite part of recording music?
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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby SG. » Apr 22nd, '12, 08:45

The actual recording process? Nothin. I hate it.
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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby mdemaz » Apr 22nd, '12, 08:57

It's tedious and annoying to edit and mix, but the voice recording part is really fun.
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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby Slim Fiasco » Apr 22nd, '12, 09:01

My favorite part is when I nail it in a single take. I hate punching-in and never actually do it, so whenever I make it to sound as good as it possibly can for my skills level, I start enjoying it from that point on. Other than that, I like when I do a song with a friend, and if we go back and forth, the switching parts are awesome; it's like you can't wait for your turn.

If you're learning how to rap, check out my tutorials - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=165230

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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby Scrubz » Apr 25th, '12, 01:53

mastering because it makes everything sound so much better.
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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby B.A.D. » May 3rd, '12, 02:18

practising lol
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Re: What is your favourite part of recording?

Postby Chet Starr » May 3rd, '12, 07:42

After you finish laying the vocals and you finally hear the vocals over the beat. The sound that has only been in your head finally exists. Sure it never sounds like it did in your head, but it's such gratification for all the hard work you put into the lyrics and take after take after take.
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