I'm first. Here's the Call Out thread: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=146754&p=1939179#p1939179
Scoring: Whichever battler hits 3 votes first, wins.
(3) Punchlines
(3) Personals
(2) Multies
(1) Flow
(1) Structure
(1) Vocab/Complex
Pack for your sore ass dad's house, Preparation H, [1]
Every week you see them dude, I call that Separation Day.
You live in an obtuse state that banned some gay marriage, [2]
How does it feel? They hate you like the 313 hates Clarence! [3]
You said: "Yay parents! Thank you for sharing me, [4]
Thanks for the cum-shot, daddy! Now I can barely see
That I can't rap, I'm like shitting with an ass rash,
It fucking sucks cuz I realize now that D-GAF's trash."
Punches explained:
[1]: You use the medication Preparation H for a sore ass, plus DGAF's real name is Hunter, hence the "H", plus he's packing for his dad's house, so Preparation H, as in preparing himself for his dad's house.
[2]: "You live in an obtuse state" = He's separated from reality. "You live in an obtuse state that banned some gay marriage" = He lives in North Carolina, which recently passed the infamous referendum banning gay marriage. Plus N. Carolina is creeping up the "fat people" charts in America (think "obtuse").
[3]: "They hate you" = N. Carolina banned gay marriage, meaning they hate them, which "They hate you" is calling DGAF a homosexual. "They hate you like the 313 hates Clarence" = just a little metaphor referring to the ending of 8 Mile where the crowd turns on Papa Doc (aka Clarence after Rabbit exposes him, kinda like how I'm doing here).
[4]: "Yay parents, thank you for sharing me!" = He goes back and forth every week from his parents house, hence the "sharing me" bit, which also means (connecting to the next line) they share him sexually.
DGAF's turn. He has 24 hours.