This is "
the-count-down" to "
arm-a-ged-don", 'cause I make your "
blood-foun-tain", your "
You'll be "
delivered-to-hell" when I cut up your "
liver-and-cells" with weaponry like "
J-Roc's umbrella-of-rhyme's" "
flow-are-weak", biting from "
Jay's Roc-a-fella-kinds" of "
Why the "
lack-of-great-activity"?, I'm filled with "
rap-pin'-creativity"; your verbal style is too "
I am "
knockin'-you-out" with "
Vi-co-din" and you be "
sleeping-n'-ill" 'cause you're so "drugged-up"/
And keep "
glockin'-you-down" with "
my-own-gun" 'till you be "
bleeding-pills" since you're so "gunned-up"/
Bitch, stop apologizing like when "
Kan-ye-tried-to-make-up" with "
Taylor"; you're going the "
wrong-way;-I'm-the-Saints, cunt" you're "
Yeah, I warned you like Pub-"
lic-Enemy" and if you ain't a side-"
kick-friend-of-me", it'll be Insult-to-Injury on a scale so "
In a single bar, I highlighted the mutli-rhymes accordingly to the phrase that rhymes to make it more clear. So in the same two lines, if two phrases are bolded, then they're supposed to rhyme or whatever.
Sorry for the late drop, but it's not as late as yours.
And you gotta fast-rap my shit if you want the flow. I'm used to rapping faster than most people, so that's why my lines are a little longer.