What is worse for your liver Everclear 95%alc or pure DXM
I have no long paragraph discussing both as im currently intoxicated and couldnt give a poop
please discuss bros this is a serious matter
Jesus Christ wrote:Fuck all South Pacific island and island-continents.
AbramIsaac wrote:What's the source of your DXM?
If it's pure, your primary worry needs to be your brain. If it's some over the counter cold pill or something, the Tylenol is what you need to worry about. Depending on the dosage, that could be what you need to worry about. Dosages are also important.
Just read the "pure" bit. Yeah, DXM isn't crazy bad for the liver, but extended use can lead to lesions on your brain.
SliK wrote:This is the only cough medicine in Australia with Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide. Does it have any of the bad shit I hear about?
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide 30mg
Also contains:
Sodium benzoate, Saccharin Sodium, glucose, fructose and maltose.
bigray wrote:What is DXM?
Jesus Christ wrote:Fuck all South Pacific island and island-continents.
bigray wrote:What is DXM?
SliK wrote:I wanna try it tbh, I'm like 85kg so I'm thinking I'll start with 100ml and see how I go.. I'm not after anything too intense.
Jesus Christ wrote:Fuck all South Pacific island and island-continents.
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