I don't know much Spanish, I'm not bilingual
But I'll show you a Mexican stand off
Between just these two amigos
Cause neither really wants to say what we're thinking out loud
But I sure as fuck think I know how read body English, no doubt
Well, i recently observed there is a thread for German speaking people, so i was thinking... "Hey, ¿Why not a thread for Spanish speaking people?"
I see there are some south americans and spanish persons around these forums, so here is a thread for you guys.
Oh, and if somebody wants to learn a little bit of Spanish, it this your tread
Bueno, he observado que hay un post hecho por los usuarios de este foro para la gente que habla en Aleman, por lo tanto pensé... "Hey, ¿Porque no hacer uno para la gente que habla español?"
He visto que hay algunos sudamericanos y españoles por estos foros, así que aquí hay un hilo para ustedes
Probablemente no haya mucha gente por aquí que hable la lengua de Cervantes, pero bueno, por si queréis...