DrRapid wrote:MikeNufc wrote:DrRapid wrote:I hate these sort of conspiracies, they're just a bunch of crap. People like to think that there's something else to something that has happened.
There are too many weird circumstances to ignore it though.
That is very true but sometimes you have to back up your conspiracy with history and background information to make some sense out of it.
Total ignorance from you there. You're lumping in all theories which deviate from the 'official' theory together and dismissing them without individual research.
Irrespective of how many absurd conspiracy theories there have been, that doesn't automatically invalidate or discredit any new theory which isn't the dominant theory.
If you think there is no evidence to back up the 'conspiracy' that all three towers on 9/11 were demolished by controlled demolition then you haven't looked into it or understood any of the information at all. The evidence supporting this theory is overwhelming and undeniable.
It's not circumstantial babble, guesswork, speculation or unsuported stories. We're talking chemical evidence, physics. Basic Science which cannot be ignored or argued with.
I'll just shed a little piece, the fact all three buildings fell at free-fall acceleration. Now, that is IMPOSSIBLE unless those were controlled collapses. This only ever happens in a controlled demolition because the floors are being blown out AS the building is coming down. This is why it comes down at near or actual free-fall acceleration and hits no resistance.
This cannot happen in a normal collapse, especially with such random, a-symmterical damage. The Towers were damaged on one side only and yet they AND WTC 7 (which wasn't hit by a plane) ALL came down in perfect symmetry, at free-fall speed.
Normal fire collapses are slow and gradual. You see huge defamation of steel, slow twisting and weakening, then perhaps the building will topple some what. But to come down smoothly, cleanly, in perfect symmetry, at free fall acceleartion, tearing itself apart, violently, ejecting building material out horizontally at upto 70mph... That is NOT a gravitational collapse.
Those conditions / features are identical to a controlled demolition. Lets also not forget that no high riser in living history has collapsed from fire damage alone. And there have been far worse. Some buildings burning top to bottom in blazing heat for days on end and still left standing.
What's also very obvious about the demolitions is that the buildings are left in a pile of dust. If the floors collapsed on top of each other as the 9/11 commission claim, you would still have the outer steel frame standing, in tact. How do you think thousands of tons of concrete and steel was reduced to dust finer than a human hair? That is the work of explosives not fucking chance.
We also have evidence of explosives in the dust / debri of all three structures. Nano-thermite. A very sophisticated explosive used primarily by the military. Very advanced, super hot, super reactive explosive. Some particles even unignited - Again, very common in demolitions, they also over-stock the beams with more than enough explosive to get the job done. So it's perfectly normal to have unignited particles after the event.
Thermite is designed to cut through steel like a hot knife through butter. Then we have the after result of EXTREME heat / explosives. TONS of molten iron at the bottom, after the collapses. Fire doesn't even come close to getting this hot. You can even check the videos and official pictures from that timeframe and see pools of molten iron. Beaming, red hot steel. This is the direct result of thermite reaction. It's a by-product. This once again, CANNOT be created by normal heat, it's just chemistry. Basic Science.
Absolutely impossible. So that is not crap. Not guesswork. As you can see, the official story is the one of guesswork. You people just accept what they accept without questioning it. What evidence have you actually phisically seen or heard of that it was Al-Queda? There is NONE. Not one fucking scrap. The UN never got any.
The only people who profited from 9/11 are America. It's by no means far-fetched to think a handful of the top corupt of the shadow Government and CIA would create a national disaster to justify an illegal war, take out a political rival (but also, very very evil man) and take control of a huge oil supply. Creating sustained wealth and power for America for many years to come. Whilst still looking like the good guys at the end of it.
Coming to a conclusion without proper investigation is the highest order of ignorance. The evidence I've talked about here is a crum of the table. That's just the start of it. Once you look into it, if you appreciate REAL evidence, Science and not overblown theories and scaremongering, there is no other conclusion. I would bet my life that all three buildings were demolished right now.
How do you seriously think America have stayed the swinging dick of Planet Earth. They haven't done it by being Mr. Nice guy as everybody would like to believe in this bizarre picturesque view of the World. They've done it by crushing competitors, emphasizing #1. ruthless overpowerment of smaller countries, stealing resources, tactical political demolishment, dumping oil. You name it. Every trick in the book, they've done it and invented 10 more.
By the way, a conspiracy theory is just a theory about someone conspiring to do something. People say they don't believe conspiracies but believe it was Al-Queda. The THEORY of Al-Queda taking down three buildings IS a conspiracy theory. There is no evidence for it. It's all circumstantial, assumptive. I'm not saying they weren't involved, but they were not the reason three buildings sped to the ground, ripping themselves apart at supsersonic speed.
You have two theories at the forefront. The official theory has no substantial evidence, contradicts itself, goes against BASIC Science. I mean... Just the laws of physics. If you believe the official account of how the buildings collapsed you are disagreeing with the most basic of Newton's laws. Which we know are true.
I suggest you look into it a little more before saying such inane, dismissive things. We nearly have a new independent investigation here now anyway. Then you'll all see and eat your words. I guarantee you.