Have been in the lab the past few evenings, and there's been a few updates:
- New website feature: Eminem Articles
Every two weeks I'll be writing an Eminem related article, the first is my current thoughts on Eminem and where things may be heading, check it out here:
http://me.whoneedsactions.com/eminem-on ... -recovery/
If you want to follow the blog, use this feed:
- Website Poll re-added to website, at the moment it's getting your views on Recovery... with many believing the album will be 'Eminem Show' level. Can't say we'd complain if it is....
- Not Afraid has been added to the 'HotDownloads' on the website
- YouTube media has been updated with the unreleased Eminem and Stat track 'Atlanta on Fire'
- I've made a few steps to reduce server load and improve site performance but will be dedicating more time to this. Traffic to the website is growing daily so but I'm working on it