Kez wrote:Master Chief wrote:You must have some type of issue in your past that makes you release such animosity towards every single female that posts pictures of themselves.
Right, that totally must be it, cause you know me right? I can't just find it pathetic and attention seeking, that's ridiculous. Lol.
You never know...
Kez wrote:Master Chief wrote:She's not showing off or being cocky at all...or asking for compliments.
You sure about that? I mean why else would you bother posting them? Especially making a thread specifically for it. Sure everyone's posted the odd pic of themselves on here, but why's it always the women that post fucking loads that they have obviously specifically taken for this purpose? Not like when most of us just post the odd picture someone has taken of us.
She just wants to have a cool introduction to the forum and wants to come off as friendly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If she was showing off, she would've said something like "I look good don't I?".
Kez wrote:Master Chief wrote:And why should you care if someone says she's beautiful or pretty or cute? It's not like they're asking for her fucking "ASL"
Because it's pathetic. A compliment is fine, i'm talking about the way members on here suck up to any female member. Within a day of joining she gets a fucking sig made for her lmao, as though it means he's gonna get something out of it; people defending her and shit, i'm like why? You would not give a fuck if this was a guy getting flamed, infact you'd probably join in. When Scott joined he did the same shit as this, posting pictures of himself in a similiarly vain fashion, and everybody insulted him a fuckload till he left. The sexism is ridiculous.
First off, no one has sucked up to her. People are defending her because people like you are insulting her for the stupidest reasons. Calling someone beauiful is NOT sucking up. No one made a sig for her. I don't see her having any sig. But, if someone did offer randomly to make a sig for her then yes that is sucking up. Also, the reason people are defending her is because she is a WOMAN being attacked. If you saw a bunch of dudes talking trash to a girl would you join in? Even if it's on the internet, girls deserve a special respect from guys, that's why we don't hit women...And if it was a guy, nothng would be different, the only difference would be that "he" wouldn't get as many compliments like "cute or beautiful".