Please moderators approve this post, I wanted to Private Message the user but it is currently disabled so this is the only way to reach him. If anyone reads this post please contact Easy-E to have him read this message. It is very important because it involves someone stealing and claiming his artwork as his own.
Ripper in Question:
Original Artist in Question:
Context: The Ripper "Blades" has been claiming to be Easy-E and is using his signatures on our site's contests and is claiming them as his own. However I was rather skeptical and decided to do a background check and figured out that Blades is ripping signatures from other artists.
It is also nice to note that the Ripper uploaded the Easy-E's signature unto his own host via instead of Easy-E's original link which shows that the Ripper was trying to hide something.
I did cross check examination to prove that the Ripper "Blades" is not Easy-E has I have noticed that Easy-E is from Austrialia and has PSN while Blades doesn't have PSN and is from America. We will punish Blades on our forum for stealing artwork because we see plagiarism as one of the worst things someone can do but all I ask (and need) is that Easy-E post here to verify that he is not Blades so we can punish this member otherwise we don't have enough proof to punish him. So please help!
Please send the word out / I hope this can get approved.