by Maybe » May 16th, '11, 18:39
Technically, it's not possible to delete the account, however you have two options.
1: ... nname.htmlUse that method to ensure it doesn't spam.
2: You can actually contact AIM by mail (using a printable form) and ask them to remove your account due to a certain reason.
Just Google search "AOL Cancellation Form", and this is the address: AOL LLC, PO Box 65100 Sterling, VA 20165-8800
classthe_king wrote:
If you and Siinide don't start recording soon I'm going to fly to where ever you live, tie you up, put the mic in front of your faces and force you to record.
Bronies: Kez, Yoshi, Slimm, Satire, Block, Xray, Dr3, Killa, VenomBlackViper, C.R.E.A.M, SWEET_TOOTH, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie & all the citizens of Ponyville.EG. wrote:and i dont even like hot dog