The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:
Just so all u assholes out there no, quoting someone elses words doesn't make u an artist or intelligent. It makes u generic. Cya wouldn't wanna b ya. that's a cliched quote. I'm bored now. Bye bye.
Last edited by TorieCheng72 on Aug 8th, '11, 04:31, edited 1 time in total.
Just trying 2get your attention, EM. Not too terribly interested in the other users.
TorieCheng72 wrote:I've always been taught there r no STUPID ? Apparently there r. So, um, yeah. What is a thread? Anyone? Anyone? Sincerely thanks. TorieC.