I will hope to god that the government will throw this nonsense in the trash.
I hope and pray that the people in the government will realize how dangerous it is to play with the lives of people who outnumber them.
This probably wouldn't get as ugly as worldwide riots, but who knows.
I realize that pirating media is wrong, but some people download things they already own or owned in the past for nostalgia, like me.
Some of us buy things and support bands, like me.
Some of us download things because it's impossible to find anywhere for sale, like me.
If there's a great album in a band's discography that is really good, I'll buy it.
I don't condone blatant stealing and theft.
It's a ridiculous thing to happen in this day and age, Megaupload has been opened since 2005 and they waited until now to act?
Sounds a bit fishy to me, Kim Dotcom is a funny man who doesn't hide from the spotlight like the dudes that run torrent sites, so basically, he put his life on the line to provide that service for everyone.
I don't know why Kim is held accountable for something other people did, such as pirating and copyright infringement..
Nobody can stop it as long as computers exists anyway.
It's just messed up.
Now they go and seize his house, cars and his dignity, just because he was making a heap of money out of the service.
I wonder where all this money will go, probably to fund pointless wars that encourage young kids to risk their lives just because some hillbilly wants to rub oil on his cock while he's fisting his wife and amongst the chaos, cause countries to continue fighting and attacking the US.
Money, plus the law, equals death.
It's a frightening thing to think about.
It's parasites in the government like the goon that introduced the SOPA bill that cause half of the world's problems.
They are laughing all the way to the bank.
It's all greed.
I don't care if any of you disagree, because I did my homework, you're just as blind as everyone else is that supports this blasphemy.
Opinions can collide but at the end of the day, Trimss can't fucking watch Harry Potter movies in English.
Thank you for your time.