tomatopie wrote:recovery not classic !
SLim Shady & Marshall Mathers LP and Eminem Show = CLASSIC
Encore = mediocre
Relapse = lyrically great , flow as well bad accents ruined most of the listen
Recovery = different, new production , different style, meaningfull songs ruined by pop samples and him stubling on his flow and being a people pleaser
I agree but not in the last part... meaningful songs ruined by pop samples?? and Eminem become a people pleaser?? hahaha... and what else?? Have we forgotten whom is Eminem actually?? (and I'm not talking about Marshall Mathers) Eminem is a rapper, and rappers don't give a fuck about what people wants, what people needs. That is what real rappers do and I'm not wondering if Em is one of these real rappers because that would be a waste of time.... I don't think he sold his art to a bunch of guys that only want to listen to him doing a song with Rihanna (in fact, I don't like this song very much). He shouts his shit, his life, he says what he thinks without being afraid ( A song called... "Not Afraid", you remember it?) the fact is he has evolved as artist. He isn't already that young guy who said shit of everything and everybody. He still says shits but in an other way, more mature... more deep, I guess, and I like this "new" Eminem, more than the other one, the old one.
Everybody knows that Slim Shady gave him the step to get the glorious but I think it's time EMINEM comes out and shows out what he is in reality. Welcome again to the show, to HIS show.