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Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

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Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

Postby J.R. » Apr 8th, '12, 23:58

I thought about this the other day. With that whole "Trayvon Martin" shit, people be up in arms saying they care. But I look at it like this. If it was in Buttfuck nowhere, or wasn't anyone cared about, or hell if the media wasn't all over it, No one would give a fuck.

I doubt anyone of the people that Care about Trayvon Martin "so much" care or pay attention to every bullshit murder like this.

I honestly at this point would rather have everyone shut the fuck up.

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Re: Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

Postby Ka0t1c » Apr 9th, '12, 00:06

well, the cop laughed when i told him, i know why you pulled me over, it's b/c of my hood, aint it?
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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Re: Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

Postby Emadyville » Apr 24th, '12, 00:54

Its fucked up that all of the same race murders that happen get no attention, but right away this becomes a whole race against one guy and making it seem like it's all whites. which is funny cause he's only half white i believe
Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that

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Re: Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

Postby tommydervan » Apr 24th, '12, 10:14

Menzo wrote:I don't agree, if it happened anywhere and people found out, it'd be equally appalling.

But with regards to things like Kony or any homeless child anywhere, people just jump on the bandwagon when they deserve to be run over by it.


The thing is, there are so many other things that kill people in this country... a lot of which comes from our policies and the way we do shit. Take war for example. If we stopped going to war on a whim for oil profits, resources, and profits to companies that make bullets and missiles... then we'd be saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

But it would take an entire country to get up in arms about it and put a stop to it. So really, the anger should be there sure, but we sure could use some of that same spirit in other places, and if so, then many more lives would be saved and the quality of living and the outlook of things would be much better
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Re: Hypocritical Attention Grabbers.

Postby Doodlebug » May 3rd, '12, 13:08

You can't focus on the forest - because the sheer expanse of it can be overwhelming. Instead, you step to a tree, consider it - and move to the next. Each case we need to take one-by-one, or justice for that specific person is lost.

Take race out of the equation here - then decide if all of what you know to be true, would of been yelled as loud - if Trayvon was a female (any race). Think about your reaction then. Older guy, stalking...

We can't fight an army - but we can fight one person - then the next.

I think the entire thing - lost it's focus, so I stopped commenting on the forums, and walked off shaking my head.

We can't be the deciders - we need to let the courts do that. And sure, yeah people are treated wrong because of their race daily.

I'm Native American Indian - want me to list a few fun things that happen to me ?

We can't say - THEM and US - because it's not that way less you look at once individual and yourself. I dislike people, not a race or a culture or even a gender. Not fair to suffer all for a few.
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