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Dude Stole Pot Because it was REALLL DANK

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Dude Stole Pot Because it was REALLL DANK

Postby Relapse. » Aug 15th, '12, 01:48 ... 75433.html

musta been some good shit.. kinda jealous.
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Re: Dude Stole Pot Because it was REALLL DANK

Postby rapaddict92 » Aug 15th, '12, 01:51

i don't blame him. but no matter if it was the most potent strain known to man its not worth it... unless u don't get caught :shifty:

Edit: medical marijuana needs to be legalized in N.Y :smoking:
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Re: Dude Stole Pot Because it was REALLL DANK

Postby Emadyville » Aug 19th, '12, 05:46

I live in PA and never heard of that town or city lol
Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that

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